Registered Charity No. 1151118
COG is a Registered Company Limited by Guarantee. Company No.8376180

About Us.....
Bolton Children's Opportunity Group (COG) was founded in October 1979 in response to the Warnock Report. and we THEN became a Registered Charity (1151118).
The group has grown and developed over the years and from very small beginnings is now a thriving group catering for over 70 children and their parents/carers.
We have had a variety of homes over the years, relocating to Lowndes St Nursery in June 2001.
From 1979 to 1985 COG operated on a sessional basis and the majority of work was undertaken by volunteers, but in 1985 after moving into Kensington House we were able to open Monday - Friday, this highlighted the need for a permanent body of staff.
Over the years we have been successful in securing grants from Inner Urban Aid, BBC Children in Need and the National Lottery to increase the numbers of staff and from 2006 we received funding for staff wages from Bolton MBC, but due to cuts in Local Government funding this ended in September 2016. We now have 20 members of staff working in a variety of roles within the organisation.